Saturday, January 12, 2008

Huh? You mean to say I can’t use Allah when praying?

Recently, there was a concern that arose with regards to the Herald Publication (Online version: in our local scene. To be honest, I was disturbed and a little startled. Of all the things that have happened so far in our beloved country in 2007 (mind you, it’s also our country’s 50th year Anniversary of Independence), this one has raised alarms to Catholics and fellow Christians alike. Instead of celebrating the success of a peaceful, developing, flourishing and harmonious Malaysia, consisting of a multi-racial community, again we are faced with a debatable and unmistakably controversial topic. A topic which I feel is a bump on the road or a hitch in moving forward for greater success and setting a good example to developing nations. For many of you who were oblivious with the issue, this is what happened:

I was planning to give you guys the long story of what happened, then I found one article online that sums up the whole topic:-

Herald can’t use ‘Allah’ in its publications

In short, at first, The Herald’s publication license was not renewed because we used the word Allah to refer to God. Then it was renewed with no restrictions on the use of the name Allah. I gave a big sigh of relieve when I heard this in Church when Father Paulino Miranda (a man I greatly admire) announced it during mass when I attended Mass at Church of Divine Mercy, Shah Alam. Later on, we realized we sighed a relieve and celebrated all too soon, when we got the news that the publication of the Herald was renewed on the condition that we do not use the name Allah as it “has long been the practice of this country that the world Allah refers to God according to the Muslim faith” according to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Abdullah Mohd Zin; who was instructed by the Prime Minister to clear the air after the Rakyat’s Cabinet decided. I don’t know about you, but somehow, I fail to see how the Cabinet represents the Rakyat as we, the real Rakyat don’t feel the same. Unless the Cabinet thinks majority is enough to “do the right thing”, then I guess we have no choice but to obey and be happy and grateful for what we have, even if it means us changing our practices and believes, for Cabinet knows what best for the Rakyat.

Discussions from the Foreign Scene regarding this matter:
(Kindly do not read these links below if you’re not used to or prepared for deliberate criticism and tolerating the opinion of others)

Thou May not Defile the name of Allah

Malaysian row over word for “God”

Malaysia faces Christian outcry over word “Allah”

Definitions and interpretations:
Before we pass judgment on what happened, let us pause for a moment and digest the various definitions and interpretations of Allah for a moment:-
The website quotes:

The word "Allah" is the perfect description of the "One God" of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims!

Is "Allah" only for Islam and Muslims?
[No! It is for All Three Abrahamic Faiths.]

"Allah" is the same word used by Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs in their Bible, centuries before Islam came.

Standard Arabic word for God, used by Arab Christians as well as by Muslims.

Derived from an old Semitic root refering to the Divine and used in the Canaanite El, the Mesopotamian ilu, and the biblical Elohim, the word Allah is used by all Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others.
So, do we really want to accept the logic and explanation behind the cabinet’s decision to not allow non-Muslims to use the name Allah in praying and in publications when clearly, they did not make the necessary effort in finding out the history behind the name Allah and given enough thought and consideration of Christians in the country and the possible conclusions foreign nations will make before making such a decision? Guess that’s why we always end up electing them to make such decisions, for the good of the Rakyat.
Whats my opinion on this?

I’m comfortable referring to my god as God Almighty, Ever Loving God, Merciful God, or Wonderful God. And since I believe in the Holy Trinity, (God our Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit), I shall continue to refer my beloved God as just God; short, sweet and simple, yet just by pronouncing it, makes you what to pause in silence for a moment as reverence to it’s deep and holy meaning. I shall not argue with those who are insisting a certain name belongs to them. I cannot see how this has become a big deal in the first place, when Allah was first used by people even before the Muslim religion was practiced. Anyhow, I believe every one is free to call their Almighty God with any name they desire, but it’s not nice to ban others to not use names that they do not own nor have prove it’s meant only to refer to their religious believes only. As we move forward into the future and evolve into a new generation of thinking, rationalizing, caring and considerate society to co-exist peacefully with others, we have to open our eyes, ears and heart and be sensitive towards the feelings and opinions of others. Just because we’ve been observing the same practice and usage of words throughout the generations, doesn’t make it ours. We share what is good and pure, and rid ourselves of hate, arrogance and selfishness. I have a lot of Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and a few Sikh friends. As a multi-racial community, we share a few things in common, we all learnt to be friends with one another, we accepted each other as who we actually are, and we treat each others with decency and respect as we would like to be treated. That to me is Malaysian. Kindly be one!

I wonder why they came up with the Unity Band campaign to celebrate 50 years of Independence. I guess they sense even after 50 years growing together, the Rakyat isn't together, then how can we be stronger? May I make a suggestion? Make decisions jointly and with everyone's consent. Consider everyone's views and compromise on debatable issues. Move forward, not backwards! United we stand, divided we fall. Well, as a member of the Rakyat, that's my opinion.


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