Sunday, December 11, 2005

“Got up from the wrong side of the bed eh?”

Unlike any other day, today I find myself in an unfamiliar feeling or emotion. I suddenly feel down, uninspired, weak, lost, uncertain…etc. Why? I don’t know. I believe people go through this stage once in a while. Not knowing why they feel the way that they do at times. Some choose to use the phrase “got up from the wrong side of the bed”. Some address it as “It’s just not my day” when things aren’t going right in whatever they do for that day.

Back to my unfamiliar feeling, why do I feel they way I do now? I have this sudden feeling of being unfulfilled, empty, and unsatisfied. It’s like I feel life can’t just be only this! Thinking about what I’m doing everyday, it’s like it’s such a routine. I feel like a rat in a maze that has no exit! That I memorized every route of the maze, but there isn’t a point to do so as I can’t get out. Why do we have such feelings as times? And u get all worked up, stressed, confused, miserable and the feeling just sucks!

However, I feel that it’s our mental related human being that has caused us to feel this way at times. It’s like a ticking biological clock that rings out an alarm to get you into this mood of feeling when you come to an important junction in your life. Its like God made us this way to help us ponder upon stuff from time to time. Like a time-out to look back at from where you came from and where you are now. To appreciate what you’ve achieved thus far. To realize the mistakes of the past and to repent upon them. To feel disgusted at out wrongs to out loved ones. To feel remorseful of ourselves when we’ve hurt and broken the trust of others. To forgive those who have hurt us deeply. To reconcile our differences with those we hold a feeling of resentment against. To learn to let things go coz it’s just meant to be.

While we ponder upon our past and present, we end up with some conclusions. Like there is not a single thing we can do anything to change the past, but we can help shape the future. If we knew what the ending of a story would be like, we can re-write the body to we can conclude it differently. Sadly, we often don’t know how the story of our lives is going to unfold in the coming days. We often complain that we don’t have more time to do stuff, no money to buy stuff, not smart or confident enough to get a better job, not ready for a relationship… etc. But one thing is for sure, nothing is certain. Nobody knows how long we will all live. Nobody knows when the next world war is going to take place. Nobody knows how far out is outer-space? Will humankind survive the next 2000 years?

Oh well, just thought I’d share with you all about my feelings for today. I know its gibberish, but you still read it anyway right? But I hope it wasn’t too cumbersome reading till the end. But if you happen to have this feeling again one day, at least you’d remember reading my blog, the day JP wrote about the day you get that “miserable-and- useless-kinda-feeling”.


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