Saturday, November 05, 2005

7 Deadly Sins :-)

I came across this while visiting one of my friend's blog and it lookes kinda fun. Sumthin bout me that you all can find out….

List of 7

7 Things That Scare Me
1. Falling – Yerp, am afraid of heights
2. Ghosts / Spirits – I’ve seen a person being possessed before, Scary Shit!
3. Losing the ones I Love
4. Scary Movies
5. Backstabbers / Two-timers
6. Really Bad tempered / Crazy People
7. Not achieving my life goals

7 Things I Like The Most
1. Family – How can u not love em?
2. Eating – Totally love good food!
3. Making Friends, chattin / Lepakin with em
4. Doing sporty activities
5. Travelling / Sight-Seeing/ Exploring
6. Good Movies / Window Shopping
7. Kids / Babies

7 Important Things In My Room
1. My Bed / Mattress
2. My 2 Pillows
3. My Blanket
4. My Clothes / Gel / Perfume
5. My PC
6. My Box of past sporting events / School or University items
7. My Mini-Bar

7 Random Facts About Me
1. I used to be allergic to Chicken! Now I eat em almost every other day!
2. I like to dress up, but always have limited clothes, need to shop more!
3. I like meeting new people, and be selective with whom I wanna be close with
4. I talk to myself when I’m alone! Weird, I know…
5. I’m kinda quiet with a new crowd, but can’t stop talking when I’m used to em.
6. Have an Ego, at times only….Situational la….
7. At times, I get crazy! Dunno why, but I talk nonsense or do crazy things…

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I die
1. Complete my education to a respectable level.
2. Visit a few European & Americana Countries.
3. Get married, have kids, grandkids….great grandkids?
4. Own BMW(s)?
5. Own a nice big house / mansion?
6. Help as many poor / needy people as I can
7. Hope to be an inspiration to many…to be a successful and responsible person

7 Things I Can Do
1. Eat a whole roasted chicken
2. Watch good movies and eat junk food all day long on the couch.
3. Go shopping for up to 5 hours…Some men love shopping too k!
4. Play a good computer game the whole day!
5. Jog or hit the gym at any time of the day. Must have the mood la…
6. Get flirty when I’m high…keep em girls away when u see me drunk!
7. Be naughty when I’m required to! And Holy when I’m required to also! Confusin?

7 Things I Can't Do
1. Speak Chinese - despite mum knowin Cantonese, and Sis knowin Mandarin.
2. Watch Scary movies at nite…Can’t sleep as it freaks me out the whole nite!
3. Be mean and sarcastic to someone. Dun like hurtin people intentionally.
4. Stay in the house for more than 18 hours.
5. Resist good food, even when I’m actually full!
6. Not have a friend to talk to for more than half a day. I’m a talkative person.
7. Go to graveyards at nite / walk on the edge on top of really tall buildings!

7 Things I Say The Most
1. oh okie
2. I see
3. So….
4. Oh Really?
5. Bloody Monkey u!
6. Oh Shit!

7 Foods I Love
1. Lamb Chops / Steaks
2. Spaghetti
3. Chicken – Any style will do!
4. Pizza
5. Beef Burgers – McD’s
6. Breakfast Set – Bacon, Eggs, Baked Beans, Sausages, Toasted bread

7. Anything Chocolate-ty – Ice Cream, Cakes, Cookies….

7 Nicknames From Others
1. JP
2. Johnny Boy
3. Paul Boy
4. JJ
5. Shah Rukh Khan…think some of my friends are bloody blind!
6. Jordan…..School time…when I played basketball.
7. Skeletons….when I was much younger & obviously thinner!

7 Celebrity Crushes
1. Halle Berry
2. Jennifer Lopez
3. Rani Mukherji
4. Mahima Chaudhary
5. Catherine Bell from JAG
6. Maria Sharapova
7. Fauziah Latiff, when she was younger…

7 Real Live crushes
1. (Wouldn't you like to know?) - She stole my fav water bottle thinkin it's hers!
2. (Wouldn't you like to know?) – Was first my sworn about opposites attract!
3. (Wouldn't you like to know?) – This one came after me…just didn’t tell her.
4. (Wouldn't you like to know?) - Also came after me, but passed away :-(
5. (Wouldn't you like to know?) - Met this one during sports - Nationals
6. (Wouldn't you like to know?) - University…she was my senior
7. (Wouldn't you like to know?) - Became my first girlfriend
* There an 8th one too... And I'm currently going out with her... :-)

*All of the above information are true at time of posting


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