Sunday, November 13, 2005

Work Life Balance

Hello People! Hope u all are doing great. Things have been pretty boring these last few days for me. I didn’t achieve much, not did I try doing something out of the ordinary. Among the phrases I’ve used to reply people when they ask:

Questions below were asked by some of you!

So JP, How’s Life? or how’s Work?
1. The weekdays are too long & the weekends are too short…
2. *Sigh* Okie la…Could be better though
3. No Excitement…Bored….Wat u doin tonite?

Hey Handsome, when u getting ur car?
1. Never…Will continue usin daddy’s car! haha
2. For what? U have car enuf la, u can drive me around!
3. Next Year la…ekonomi gawat la…harga petrol naik giler!

So John, what’s happenin? Still single ar?
1. Nuthin happenin la, Yerp, Still Single
2. *Sigh* What to do? No girls want me….
3. (If annoyed with repetitious questioning) WORKIN ON IT!

Where u workin now? What do you do?
1. Shell Station, pouring petrol
2. Shell IT, Desktop Engineer providing Scripting Services
3. Angkat Tolak Masuk Picit

From what I discovered in my meet ups with my friends and relations, I realized that we all have a work life balance. What I mean is, we all have to work to get the bills paid and we also have a life where we spend time with our family and friends. But do we have it balanced? Most of us wish to have more money at the end of the day, but end up feeling we have more days at the end of the money. Am I right? We had big dreams when we were little, but when we started working and find out nothing is free, somehow, our dreams shrunk.

Thus, we ought to realize that to have more out of life, we need to not only experience new things with the people we love, but also to seek fulfilment in something you’re passionate about. Life is not about working, it is about living it to the fullest! You’ve heard many times when people say that “Life is Short”. But you will only say that when you’re getting old and weak, maybe at age 70. But we fail to realize, years pass us by pretty fast.

Here, I would like to thank and appreciate all those who’ve helped me, cared for me and loved me all these years. I may not get a chance to do so in the future. I’ve seen so many of my friends dying because of freak accidents, that sometimes I feel it may be my turn next time. To my friends and loved ones…who have helped me at times when I was helpless and incapable of doing things myself, thanks for your encouragement and kind hearted-ness. For those of you who sacrificed a lot for me, out of love and respect, I truly appreciate all you’ve done for me, and I still want to repay you in anyway possible. For those of you who are always there for me, you guys are God-Sent! I’m blessed to have you all with me. And for those who are beginning to be a part of my life now, thanks for accepting me and hope we can have a long, prosperous, and fun filled journey together.

From Work Life Balance to thanking those I love and care about….I dunno why I keep writing with mismatched beginning and ending, but I hope you all enjoyed reading my blog. Sometimes, I just feel like writing what’s on my mind. For those of you who I’ve copied the titles coz I’ve run out of ideas to write, hope you dun mind la k? At times, I’m not creative. Just being lazy, as I usually am! :-p

I love you people! Thanks for making my life a wonderful journey of challenges and adventure. I don’t know what I’ll do or become without you all!
God Bless you all…..


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