Monday, November 28, 2005

More Questionares...

Gosh, I'm addicted to em! Got this one from Sarimah's blog. Added a few myself, hehe!

01. First thing you did this morning:
~ Reset the alarm to another 30 minutes later and slept till it rang again, Muahahaha.

02. Last thing you ate:
~ My finger nail… Ewww rite? haha

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
~ Kinda, no camera and limited storage space… maxed out 300 numbers d…

04. What's the thing you look forward to most in the next 7 months?
~ Increment in salary! Continuing my studies…

05. What's annoying you right now?
~ not enuff money….

06. What was the last movie you watched?
~ Chicken Little….Funnie siul…

07. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
~ Nope, but I’ve heard of a few that works… Personally, I’m not into it

08. What's worse, being in love with someone you can't have or pretending to love someone?
~ I think, Being in love with someone you can’t have. On the other hand, I would never want to pretend I love someone, so cruel! Guess both are quite hard to choose from.

09. Is there someone you miss so much it makes you sad?
~ Nope

10. What inspires you?
~ Someone achieving success through pure hard work, despite so many challenges and in impossible situations.

11. If you could put together a concert of 5 bands or artistes, who would you choose?
~ Boyz II Men, Black Eyed Peas, Rob Thomas, Usher & Robbie Williams

12. Lyrics that sums up your love life?
~ Nobody Knows – Tony Rich’s Project

13. What's the one thing you wish you could do better?
~ More focused in whatever I do.

14. If you could do anything this second, what would it be?
~ Go to a clear water beach, lay on the sand and looking up at the starts and seeing the reflection of the moon over the sea…( It’s night now, time of writing this).

15. What's your most vivid memory from 6th grade?
~Having a girl come up to me saying she’s in love with me, asking me to be her boyfriend….hahaha, how I wish… No la. It was being named as the School’s Best Student.

16. Latest addiction?
~ Chockies = chocolate cookies…Need I say more?

17. How many people would you say you are interested in at this moment?
~ 1

18. Who are you in love with?
~ U expect me to answer this and let everyone know? Dun think so….

19. Do you think someone thinks about you daily?
~ Err…I think so

20. Are you self confident?
~ Most of the time…But on occasions, I become really-really dependent on another person…a certain someone knows this…

21. What would you change about yourself?
~ hairstyle, besides that…I love myself…

22. What book are you reading right now?
~ not reading any books…need to la!! Brain getting really idle!

23. How many people do you know with the same name as yours?
~ err…. I know a few Johns, and a few Pauls….

25. What was the last thing you spilled?
~ Cappuccino

26. Who do you normally block online
~ Can’t remember blockin anyone.

27. Name some things you enjoy doing
~ Travelling, Eating, Trying something new like scuba-diving., going to the cinema. Chillin at Coffee bean with buddies…

28. Who was the last who sent you an sms
~ err…u dun have to know… relates to question number 17.

29. Who was the last who said "Love You"
~ think it was me…

30. Who is the most Annoying Person you know
~Andarious a.k.a Ron!

31. Any birthday's coming up? Who's
~ Sajna, 2nd December….Dun think I can ever forget this date…

32. Can you play the card game called "speed"
~ If I knew how to play it. Sounds interesting…

33. Are you a Mr/Mrs Know-It-All
~ nope. I'm Mr.-Dunno-Anything-At-All

34. Do you make people Laugh
~ Used to. Dun think anymore.

35. Do you think you’re ugly
~ Very

36. What is the name of the song that stuck in your head
~ I like to move it, move it! The version from the animation movie, Madagascar!

37. Favorite television show?
~ One Tree Hill, used to be Smallville

38. Your childhood crush, who is he/she? What he/she like?
~ She's a girl from church, Knew her for a long time. But never spoke to her till recently. She's a Catholic, chindian, a nurse. She's cute and friendly. Caring and obedient. Why i never went after her? Coz she's my Uncle's girlfriend's cousin...

39.What kind of house do you want to live in?
~ 6 room Bungalow, with a pool, garden, under-ground mini-cinema, pool & bar room, a library with a fireplace and to place slow classical music, a huge guest hall with a huge plasma screen tv. A modern and spacious kitchen. Not forgetting huge bedrooms with massive luxury bathrooms!!

40.Love is Blind or Lovers are Blind
~ Lovers are blind

41.The one you love or the one who loves you
~ The one who loves me

42. If you were to choose bf or gf smoker or not
~ Non smoking please…

43. Another girl/boy starts flirting with your boyfriend/girlfriend , what do you do
~ Inform that she’s with me. If it continues and if it bothers my gf too much…I’d fucking beat him upside down? Hell Yeah!

44. You hear a rumour that your girlfriend/boyfriend likes another boy/girl, what do you do
~ Clarify stuff as soon as possible. What’s not meant to be, can’t be forced.

45. It's finally your day out of school, having plans, but your boyfriend/girlfriend ditches you for something else like clubs, sports, etc. , what do you do
~ i'll have fun with my buddies

46. You and your friends are having fun at home when your boyfriend/girlfriend texts you to call him/her back now, what do you do~ Call her and ask watzup?

47.You and your boyfriend/girlfriend are watching a movie when you run out of popcorn, you think of getting him/her to get summore, but he/she looks really devoted to the show, what do you do?
~ Interrupt her at an un-interesting scene of the movie and ask if she wants more. Will go get more if she wants.

48. You heard a girl/guy at your school / workplace like you. And you happen to know this person. He / she always smiles and seems to be clumsy whenever he / she is near you. What do you say when u both meet?
~ how ya doin (F.R.I.E.N.D’s Joey’s accent) hahaha!

49. You see your best friend’s girlfriend/boyfriend is out on a date with another guy/girl. What would you do?
~ Casually go up to him/her and ask how are things? Ask Where’s (my best friend’s name). And ask who this is?

50. If you found out you are going to die in 10 minutes, and you had your hand phone with you, what will you do?
~ Call my parents and sister. Tell em I love em, thank them for everything. And call another person too, and wish him/her all the best for the future…


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