Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Now here’s a word you don’t hear everyday. I’ve stumbled upon this word a few times when reading magazines and newspaper, but never really understood its meaning. I first heard this word back in Secondary school days when a friend of mine, Kuhan Nagaratnam introduced this word to the whole school on English day. Every Wednesdays, we’d have an assembly in the morning and for 15 minutes; we’d have the word of the week and a short sketch or performance to improve our command of English. Kuhan has gone on to be a pilot and flying all over with Airasia and I’m stuck on the ground seated in an office cubicle. I should have done more public speaking and teaching English at that time, I sometimes wonder.

Cantankerous means unwilling to cooperate; stubbornly obstructive; disagreeable to deal with. In a sentence, instead of saying “He’s an argumentative man” you can rephrase it as “He’s cantankerous”. Sounds odd, but hey, doesn’t it sound weirdly funny, yet differently cool? So there you go, go forth and use this word wisely. For those who know this word and used it’s context correctly all this while, whilst knowing it’s actually meaning fully, good for you! Yes, I’m that naïve with loads of words in the dictionary.

It’s been more than a year since I last blogged, the reason mostly being that I never took the initiative to seat and write and also that I never had a fast enough internet service at home. I can’t promise I’ll update my blog on a regular basis, but I’ll surely try now that I’ve got izzi ( It’s a 4G wireless broadband service which is only currently available in the Klang Valley. I’be been using izziyou and thus far haven’t experienced downtime, bootup connection within 3 seconds, surfying webpages and chatting online with ease. I’ve no complaints, so I’m pretty happy with its performance. Read it’s website to know more.
Well, that's all for now. Hope to upload some pics the next time around...

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