Sunday, January 06, 2008

Christmas 2007

Christmas this year can be summed up as a monetarily costly, turkey & lamb gobbling, laughter filled, wine drunk and most definitely a tiring affair. I sent about 30 invites and about half turned up, which is what I actually anticipated as I had the tiniest of places to host it, my residence in sunway college hostels. No, I’m not a lecturer in Sunway college, but since my dad works here in sunway college apartments, we were given an apartment to live in and the family lives with him lor. We’re hoping to get a house of our own this year…

My cousin Juliana and Aunt Margaret came over a few days earlier to assist in having our home look a bit more Christmassy. They did a fantastic job as some people who came over during the Open house on the 25th commented they loved the tree decorations and the house had been ornamented tastefully to suit the occasion.

The Tree after modifications… Thanks Anna and Aunt Margaret. Can you spot the tiny Candy Canes?

On Christmas Eve, my family and I attended the 6:30pm Christmas Mass at Assumption church, PJ. It was a beautiful celebration by Father Simon. Haven’t been to Assumption since February, so it was really nice seeing some familiar faces. Suprisingly also was a tap on my shoulder by Sharon Mahendra, a workmate of mine from my offce. Didn’t get to chat much, as people were rushing back and we had to leave for my uncle Harry’s in Damansara, same place as where my friend Fiona stays. Though I keep forgetting the name of the place.

The Tree at Uncle Harry’s

Leftover after we’ve had seconds and thirds. Yerp, besides Turkey and Lamb, we have duck as usual.

Uncle Harry as Santa Claus! He was sporting enough to be our Santa as the host. Picture taken with the small ones before present giving.

Family Picture by the tree

With the warm turkey and lamb served, along with lots of wine and liquor, Christmas tree all lit up, and Christmas carols playing at the background, I welcomed my friends for the usual end of the year Christmas gathering from 12pm till 7pm on Christmas Day.

Thilak and Leonard leading the way

Cousin Juliana helping out by carving the turkey

Since I was busy entertaining guests, I didn’t really have time to take pictures of all who came. I enjoyed the day seating in a circle, shared jokes, drank wine and played some party games whilst listening to Christmas Carols. We laughed hysterically at jokes by Calvin and Leonard. A big thank you to those who came, Theva, Thilak, Wen Hao, Yen, Eugene, Calvin, Ravin, Leonard, May, Vino, Devi, Shuba, Edna, Annette, Jessica. You guys rock! Though all of you forgot about the Candy Canes on the Christmas Tree when leaving. Please don't forget this year! *hint-hint* ;-)


At Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:44:00 PM, Blogger Chechi said...

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At Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:45:00 PM, Blogger Chechi said...

We missed this party at Uncle Harry's...We heard it was a BLAST!


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