Saturday, May 30, 2009

The 3 Questions we ask ourselves over time
What have you done lately?

We all have a past, we're living in the present, the future ahead of us is always a mystery. We assess what we've done, achieved and experienced in the past. We look at ourselves now with questions or doubts about the present. We always hope for a better future but everything seems unpredictable nowadays that we tend just say to ourselves "whatever la, we'll cross the bridge when we arrive at it".

At the Crossroads

I have a past, a colourful one needless to say. Good times and bad endured has defined me over the years. As I remember my past, growing up, the memories collected over time has left me wondering, could I have altered my past to steer me to a more fruitful and meaningful future? They say, we always have a choice to decide and act upon our decisions to obtain or achieve something. Whilst pondering upon the past, we ask ourselves "Damn, it's over?"

Looking at myself now, I wonder, what kind of person I am. The kind of decisions I make. The people I associate myself with. What I want and feel that I need. So many different things we face these days, work challenges, family issues, uncertain national political scenes, spiritual doubts, relationships with others, personal wants/needs. We often get confused, unfocused and easily stressed. We loose sight of what means more to us and conveniently choose to prioritise our focus on the easier and comfortable matters. Whilst pondering upon the present, we ask ourselves "What now?"

People are always curious about what will happen next. They indulge in palm readings, horoscope predictions, fortune telling, and other means of knowing the future. Whilst anticipating the future, we ask ourselves , "What's next?" I for one do not want to know what the future holds. I'm happy knowing I can still alter the outcome of the future. I mean, whats the point of knowing something, and you can't do anything to change it? Wouldn't life be so boring with everything is a done deal? Not knowing the future would mean it leaves us with questions, anticipation, and above all, to experience life! As life should be a colourful one. Never would it do justice if it's all monotone and set.

"So what have you done lately?"
Recently, I met with an old friend who is a religious person. He asked "Do you think you were created for a purpose?" I could only imagine why my parents thought about having me in the first place. So I answered "I'm my parent's investment, so they would have someone to take care of them when they grow old". This answer clearly caught him off guard. I knew what he meant, but he also knew I like to joke a lot.

So he carried on with his intention of the conversation, and this is what I gathered from the conversation: Every now and then, there would be a time that you would feel that you were meant to serve a purpose. You would ask yourself, "Did God (or a higher being) create me for a reason?", "What have I done lately to justify my existence?" or "Am I worth anything at all to the people or other beings around me?"

What my friend was trying to do is make me aware that changes around us takes place with someone doing something out of the ordinary. He read my blog entitled "Changes" and he felt a great need to engage me and pose some serious questions about life and me serving a life of purpose. I agreed when he said if we continue doing the same thing we do, we would always be experiencing the same thing we experience.

In knowing our past, we determine what we do not want anymore. In the present, we know what we love and cherish, thus we work for it. The future conveniently holds everything that is uncertain, thus it prompts us to want to do something about it to either prepare for it. In a certain way, we live in fear or challenges our sense of security. Whatever decisions you make, either to be closer to God, touching lifes around you, help build a nation, healing the sick, fighting for the rights of the oppressed, becoming a gotta work at it. It starts with the first step, knowing what you want well, and making a decision.

So, What have you done lately?


At Saturday, May 30, 2009 3:05:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

From my observation,a lot of people worry too much about the future, that they forget to live in the present.

These are the people who continue to build a meaningless passage of life.They keep yearning for something that's far fletched, at the expense of the living present.

I once was one, but am not anymore..Was blind, but now I see..haha :-)

At Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:37:00 AM, Blogger taneddie said...

i totally agree with your thoughts...yet there are some ppl that still want to live or hang on to their past that they forget that to live in the present and treasure what they currently have now...

life is abt the journey & experiences,
it makes us grow & learn
that's the difference between humans & animals...

At Sunday, July 19, 2009 7:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow blogging after a year but cant reply sms !


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