Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Walk & Burn in Baby!

Recently, My Global Department Manager , Merethe Johansen, got us a pedometer each. Apparently, we IT people don't walk much, and it's really unhealthy as all we do is type, discuss things online through instant messenger or phone calls, all while seated. Besides munching on food all the time! So she got us all to wear it all the time. And to encourage us further, it's a competition for prizes! There's monthly prize for the "walker" of the month totalling RM300, and a grand prize till the end of the year which would be a alot more.

Noticed how striking it looks? Flourecent Green!

If you see me in the next few months, You'd notice this on me. Apparently its suppose to be used 24/7 till end of December! We take count of our steps on a weekly basis, and we started 2 weeks ago. The first week, i did 66k steps, last week, i did 105k steps. That's a lot of calories burnt! More than usual I'm sure. And my feet's killing me! Especially when I've enrolled in California Fitness, and the extra work out with my personal trainer surely knocks me out everytime! Feel really lethagic the next day at work. Oh well, for the sake of loosing weight, and staying healthy, I'm gonna "Walk & Burn it Baby!"

Yes, you read it right, I'm a member of California Fitness, I'm a regular at the Sunway Pyramid branch. I did take the all-country package, which means i can go to the other branches like the one in Mid Valley and Standard Chartered in KL. Heard they opening another branch in Bukit Bintang. It's awesome, and I thoroughly enjoy my work outs. Added to the personal training package, it's also torturing! So it's a mixed feeling going to the gym, but my trainer Samuel knows what kinda pain i need to reach my goals. What are my goals? haha, for me to know, and for you not to know! :P

Met a few old faces from Uniten. And also from my previous company, Shell IT. Nice to have some old buddies in the gym, though we don't really talk much as we all want to work out and be alone to either de-stress or just view the Astro Programmes.

A friend told me this, "If you want something really bad, something you long for and would cherish it for the rest of your life, then the necessary changes, sacrifices and compromise has to be done. And when it gets really hard and tough, you will at least know that you're alive with emotions and feelings, and that shows you're only human. And human's have needs and wants as well". I didn't quite understood it at first, but after pondering upon it, I now know what my friend meant :-)


At Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why did it take u so so long to write another post !!!! yes but sthing being human is pretty painful. sthing emotions not worth going though if u had similar sittuations if u can adoid it pls do. i hope u win the money so u can belanja !!!! miss ya

At Tuesday, February 03, 2009 2:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aiyoh John, 1 entry per month is it??? You friend's word is wise... can i borrow it for an entry in my blog? And i will quote it as John's friend's were saying.... Ahahaha... Long time haven't catch up with you.

At Tuesday, June 02, 2009 11:30:00 AM, Anonymous mayling said...

haven't seen you in a while bro..


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