Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tun Mahathir

Yesterday, I went for a jog with my buddies Eugene and Wen Hao at the Cyberjaya lake after work. We drove up to the lake and parked along the road leading to the lake. As we were doing our stretches and loosening up, 2 cars drove into the lake. It was a luxury Mercedes followed by a Perdana. We were saying to each other “Who the heck is driving in to this public lake?”

Then out came 2 guys first, a Malay and Indian. They walked for a distance to check the place out, and then came out Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad himself. Accompanied by his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Bt Mohd Ali, a lady friend and some obvious bodyguards, they went for a walk along the Cyberjaya Lake. Everyone at the lake noticed them. They all kept a distance and let him enjoy the peace and quiet evening.

This is the first time I’ve seen him in person, and he’s really thin and looks frail now. He probably looks like that because of the 2 heart surgeries he had last year, but he seems well. I guess not many have even seen him in person at all. Standing just a few meters away from him, Eugene, Wen Hao and I just looked at each other and in almost disbelieve. You might be thinking, “What’s the big deal?” “He’s an ex prime minister, not the current one” “So?” I bet, if you were in my shoes at that time, you may have felt what I felt, “Gosh, it’s him!” To me, he’s a visionary and probably one of the most influential and admired leaders of our time. Despite commonly reported accusations, criticism and slandering suggesting he is not Mr. Clean or flawless in managing a country, he’s proven to have won admirers and respect from people all over.

What I like and admire about Tun Mahathir? For one, he fights for the lesser known or marginalized. He has been known to criticize western and developed countries which look down on developing countries. In believing and trusting in his country and its people, he often doesn’t listen to western leaders without any solid justification on why Malaysia should listen to them. I guess, he has a lot of pride in his country and doesn’t want foreigners controlling us and telling us what is best for us. In terms of influence, there was a time he managed to convince some leaders such as Prime Minister of France, President of Russia and Counselor of Germany to listen to Malaysian views in certain political matters like war on Iraq. This eventually let to them not interfering in the war. I guess the most that impresses me was that he managed to make developed countries understand the importance of having smaller or developing nations the chance to be able to speak freely like other developed nations. He may have not been the pioneer in making lesser known countries stand out, but he sure made in impact when he spoke up at various General Assembly of UN Summits.

Thank You Tun Mahathir, for all your efforts, sacrifices and hard work. Your bravery and vision has brought us to heights we have never thought possible years ago.


At Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:43:00 PM, Blogger Chechi said...

Very interesting story...We need stories like this to remind us of the good deeds Tun Dr. Mahathir has done for the nation!

Thank you & keep up the good work

At Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:46:00 AM, Blogger SweeT^TootH said...

okie, first of all. U said drove into the lake! i read this article of yours because i thought two cars literally like drunk dungus had DRIVEN INTO the LAKE!!! lol.

secondly, when i found out it was dr mahathir my immediate reaction was '*PFT*', so?? im serious john, you are entitled to your opinions but guess what, he aint no saint either. what he had done to gain all those positive things we are supposed to be 'thankful' for, has also caused us much grief and problems like corruption for one, greed within the UMNO ministers and of cuz, much racial problems despite his so called fighting for harmony! we all can't deny that the governmemt had its peak of corruption during our dear tun's time! he is good at shooting his mouth at our current prime minister and stepping out of UMNO because he tinks aab aint doing a good job but what about him supporting his own countries prime minister. if he can stop other big time countries from going to war, maybe he should bring his pr skills to try and get aab to work better on the current situations and whatever not.

only one person to truly support here guys, and that one person fights for all races and religions and does not condone to all this 'bullshit islam' the UMNO fellars including 'Tun' is following and that one fellar is RAJA PETRA KAMARUDIN! MAKKAL SAKHTI! lol.

p.s: then again, you are entitled to ur opinions and we should really meet up soon. just cuz i gave up alcohol, nak cari your batang hidung pun sooo susah la now!


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