Saturday, February 07, 2009

*!~*Christmas 2008*~!*

It's the most wonderful time, of the year!

Christmas is always special. It's a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. For Christians, we believe that it is Jesus who saves us all and open a path for us to Heaven. It's always a joyous occasion and the practice would be to go to Church on Christmas eve night to give thanks and praise to Jesus, whom we have accepted and believe is the Son of God.

And over the years Christmas has become rather commercial and a time businesses cash in on the holiday spirit. Although it has nothing to do with the actual Christmas celebration, Santa Clause , Snow, Christmas Tress, Presents, Alcohol, Food like Turkey; Roast Lamb ; Christmas Pudding has become a yearly affair. And it's been a practise to visit Christian Homes and finding a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with gift wrapped presents under it.

My family is no different, we told ourselves, "We're Joining in!" So this year, like the many years before, we celebrated at Uncle Harry's place. Well, it is the biggest and the most comfortable house amongst the family, so why not right? :-)

Fusion! Being a rojak family, we had western and asian food. Mutton curry?? But me love my lamb and turkey during Christmas! Christmas Pudding for dessert!

Shepherd's pie, turkey, pasta, prawns and dhal curry???

Time to open presents!! It's mid-night, thus it's Boxing Day!!

Clean up time! The younger ones being thought that after all the fun, we need to clean the mess we did.

My mum giving Damian his present. He was so enthusiastic to open it, that the very next second after this pic was taken, his hand hit my mum's chin, haha!

Wonder why they are crowding the table after the food was cleared?

It's gotta be Alcohol la of course! That's what we do best, correct or not cousins?? :-P

Let the party begin!

Photo shoot time! The De Silva's in all their glory! Smileys are because of the alcohol, if not they won't smile this much when sober! hahahaha

The cousins, although not all came. We smile better after some drinks, don't we? :-P Kenny, Sara and Mervin were on their way when this picture was taken.

My sister, leading the way. Cocktails anyone?

You don't need a further explanation on why they seem to be having fun!

Yerp, it was another unforgetable Christmas. Lotsa good food, drinks, music, presents, catching up and of course, the Christmas mood! Although the whole family didn't make it, like Sharon, Shawn, Rodney, Lily, we sure did make up for them in the partying! Wish you guys were with us. Hopefully this year ok?? I wonder if this year's will top last years....hope so!


At Sunday, August 09, 2009 4:19:00 PM, Blogger thinkerr said...

Lets do another cousin getaway soon!!


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