Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Scripting Team 2005

Below is the picture of our Scripting Team. Taken on July 2005. Seating in d front is my Boss (Team Leader) Alex Lee. Beside him is our End-to-end coordinator from Houston, Margaret. She was on her way to Borneo, i think. So she decided to come a lil , early, work from Cyberjaya and off for her holiday. Yes, we all can work from any Shell office which is connected to Shell Intranet around the world, provided we bring our smartcards with us la of course. Hope i can travel to Houston or Manchester soon...wanna meet the scripters there....

Not all of us were present, Hashim, Thinagari, Sim, Nara were not present when the picture was taken.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Quite a happenin Monday...

The day started with me heading to Uniten about 9am to pick up my Convocation Robe and Mortarboard. Met up with quite a number of fellas there like Leonard, Yew Cheong, Wail, Trishna, Vatsala, Senji...didn't expect so many of my friends will be graduating the same time as me. I thought they convo-ed in April this year. Oh well, looks like Theva, Thilak and I wun be the only buddies convo-ing...Kinda looking forward to it... It was nice driving to uniten and meeting familiar faces. So many sweet & unforgettable memories.

Went back to work about 11:30am. Work was the usual, but the addition was working on a script that kinda freaked me out a lil. It's a software which is a mandatory software for all staff, What does it do? Keep track of EVERYTHING you do on ur workstation! What u install, what u use it for and to whom u send it to. It's recorded and sent daily to some auditors/checkers to make sure the relevant information is sent to the relevant people. Gosh, the script was so complex, I kinda found out why Shell IT was created in d first place. And with 30,000 over scripts to look after before we launch Vista in 2007, I guess my job is well cut out!

When I got back home at 8pm, to my suprise someone from Kuala Pilah called me. She was only 13 when i was doin SPM, according to her la. She got my number from another friend. Interesting to know some people still remember a senior and call u up. Received another msg from someone saying they know me, and wanna get to know me. If u happen to be this person, a prank-puller, please la, i dun have time for this all k! Save ur credit la, I'm not some perasan case who thinks he's so famous and sooo handsome all k! I like making friends, but dun push it!

Oh well, since wednesday is a holiday, i'm gonna enjoy working tomoro. Will try finishing up things at work and enjoy the luxury of a day off. To all my Malaysian buddies, Happy Merdeka! To all my work-mates, happy 1 day holiday! To the people i'm suppose to meet tomoro at Ryan's house party, go slow on the booze, i'll come a lil late! Attending a Merdeka Mass and Family nite at Assumption, PJ... We do the Merdeka Countdown together-gether in a drunk state k? Muahaha

Convocation this saturday, to all my buddies who are also convo-ing with me, Congratulations and see u there! Those of u who wanna join the rest of us for a houseparty/convo party (if u not celebrating with family la)....meet me there, i'll give u d details of the location. Food, drinks and ..."drinks" all free, dun ask who sponsored all k....Secret!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

True Star for Men!

I’ve been waiting for True Star Men to come out, ever since my sister’s bf bought her True Star for Christmas. It was really, sadly, it wasn’t unisex, so I had to wait till it’s launched. Finally la, it’s here! Launched in Japan recently, and it’s coming to Malaysia soon! Since my Ferrari Black has finished, only left with my CK One and Polo Sport, need another fragrance! Hope True Star Men comes out soon!

Below are some pics of the Japan Launch.

Yerp, as u can see, Enrique is the official guy for the fragrance, Beyonce was for the Women's True Star. All you guys, get it k? You'll love it! And guess what's the tagline for this latest edition from Tommy Hilfiger? It's "You'll remember how he smelled" in a good way i hope! Muahahaha...

I'm Back!

Hi Everyone! It's been such a long while since I last posted anything here. Thanks for the messages guys, really appreciate the concern. I'm perfectly fine. Work has been okie, can't complain as I kinda like wat I do. The people I work with are really friendly, co-operative and understanding. Made quite a number of buddies from other departments, especially from the helpdesk and CTS teams. Real fun bunch, sporting too. The salary is pretty good, and of course the facilities made available to us, awesome...u can say it's kinda like luxury workin here, haha.

Last weekend (20/8/2005) was Shell IT's Annual dinner. I've only worked for 2 months there, but got invited as well. It was held at Hilton, Sentral. Pretty luxurious place, 5 star ma! I went alone without a date, unlike most of my work-mates who brought their partners, but soon made friends with the other "singles" there! I made quite a few friends that nite, and thanks to the dinner, I found people with similar interests and likes. I'll try to post some pics of the dinner when I get my hands on em. Most of the men wore suits and blazers. The ladies were just stunning! All were in gowns. Really a Gala dinner la. Among the highlights, my friend Lavinia won the best female dressed "Celebrity" award. The macho Scottish Gavin won the best Male dressed "Celebrity" award. Our Country Manager got us all shocked by first dancing with the cabaret girls for the introduction of the annual dinner, and then un-masking himself at the end to suprise us all! What a real sport, Mr. Steve Clearwater (He's Kiwi). Shell's very own Elvis, Ignatius Paul Massang gave a wonderful Elvis number, but I can't remember what. All the girls were practically drooling! haha. Karina Fernandez was awesome! Never knew she was so active in many things in Shell. She em-c-ed some section of the evenin, Danced, sang (Moulin Rouge) and got inducted to Shell's Sports Hall of Fame. She Rocks! If there was a fan club for her, I'll definately be in it!....The nite was fantastic la, it all ended at 12, and me and some new found buddies headed down to Modestos, Hartamas for some drinks. And some got a lil flirty after a few drinks... & I didn't mind at all! haha

This whole week has been a lil hectic for me. Work is ok, just a lot. Preparing for our huge migration to Microsoft Vista, yerp, if you guessed it right, We get to test and trouble-shoot it first! before u guys get it in the market in 2007! Altough I've taken a look at it, and played with some functions, and testing thru command lines....It's pretty huge! 3 Gig plus for installation. People; prepare urself by getting a steroid-enhanced pc's to get this baby installed! Can't say much la it's classified, and please dun get me to smuggle out Vista and all its compatible applications for u k! I know i'll be having the original microsoft release, but I'll get sacked and sued man! For those of you who don't know what Vista is, it's the next release of Operating system after Windows Xp by Microsoft. It was suppose to be called Longhorn, but dunno wht they changed it to Vista all of a sudden.

K la guys, hope u enjoyed my lil life update. Will get some pics up here soon k... Till my next post, God Bless!