Saturday, February 20, 2010

To like and be liked

Do you remember the first time you had a crush on someone? And have you experienced anyone mustering up the courage to come up to you and tell you how much they like you? How about hearing a story from a friend or relative about someone trying to sweep them off their feet?


At some point of our lives, we have fallen for someone we met either through a friend or event or by chance. It rarely takes a lot to attract your attention and interest as it’s usually, well, magical. And you can’t help but think about them night and day; wishing that they’d magically show up everywhere you go and have your heart beat so fast that you felt like just passing out. His\her smile would light up your day and their voice lingers in your ears hours\days after they left their lips. Food becomes tasteless, sleep is often restless and you find yourself somehow occupying hours just thinking of them and ways to make yourself liked by them. You try finding out what they like, showing concern, pleasantly surprising them with the little things that matter like sms-ing them. Yes, the feeling of liking someone and wanting to be with them is hard work! You then find yourself behaving differently (noticed by others close to you), sacrificing more of your time, effort and money to just impress them or just seat in frustration on not knowing what to do. And yes, we all have been through rejections, so we know that if it’s not mutual, it’s not gonna happen. And you wouldn’t have it any other way as well as you can’t do the Tango alone.

Guys, women love courtship...and continuous practice of it!

Not so long ago, a friend told me that she’s really into this English guy so much, that she’s willing to travel to UK just to tell him how much she felt and cared about him. And it was just before Christmas and she was almost broke. But I guess when you’re love struck; even the sky isn’t the limit. They met not long ago while on a scuba diving holiday in Thailand. And not long after, he came back to see her in Malaysia and they kicked it off. But due to some misunderstanding, they separated abruptly, thus urging the need for her to head to UK during the busiest and most expensive period to travel just to show how sincere and important he is to her. How romantically insane is that? How often do you come across women going out of there way and sacrificing so much just to win back their man?

Who says only men should court the women? If you’re a girl and you like a guy, there’s nothing wrong in being honest and just to say it. Of course, there are ways you can construct your words and sentences to not scare them away. Always remember, to the very least, you’d like to be friends with them, even though it never worked out. Sometimes, to care and love someone is to let them be themselves and let them be with whoever they want to be with. Friendships are better than no relationship at all.

Nothing wrong with wooing a guy... with apples!

Some women would say that chivalry is dead amongst men, and it’s hard to accept a guy if he’s not courteous, thoughtful, sweet and full of pleasant surprises. And some men would say women killed chivalry! They play hard to get, have high expectations and in their minds, it’s all suppose to be exactly like how they read in romantic novels. Probably the longest debate in mankind’s existence, “Why do men and women think so differently? And why they can’t live with them, yet can’t live without them?” Guess it’s true what God always reminds us, Love is miraculous, unpredictable, yet powerful.

Man Courting a woman, only works near a river I guess.

How do you create conversation with someone you like (provided you both already know each other)? To objective here is to have an interesting enough conversation and the intended end result is that you would hope he/she would like to have more of such conversations and want to spend more time with you. The next hope is that he\she will want to see you more often and for you to see their smile and hear their voices more. And so on so forth lar….

Common conversational questions:

How are things at (insert his\her company name)? To take keen interest in their career. You gotta mean it though! After all, if you both are gonna be together, wouldn’t you wanna know their career path, and working conditions?

How’s your (insert his\her hobby or special interest) coming along? Something you can either do together or you can be supportive with.

How’s parents\family\friends (who are suffering from a health problem)? Showing concern and thoughtfulness goes a long way.

What’s your greatest fear? This is where you become more sensitive to their needs and when the need arises, be their hero.

Followed by more intriguing questions:

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done? Very important, crazy level needs to be monitored for your own sanity sake! :-P

Ever done any criminal act? In case you need to bail them out of jail next time they repeat it.

How many boyfriends\girlfriends before this? Well, needless to say, experiences count. If they never had any, you’re in trouble! Someone who’s gone through happy times and heartaches of relationships appreciate relationships more and make better partners.

Do you like spending time with me? This is when you’re tired of trying, and don’t want to try any harder to seem like a desperate and just plain silly. More like frustration, but I guess you’d be doing yourself and them a favor by setting the record straight. No one wants to waste time on a hopeless cause, they just want to get over it over time, and move on.

Recently, I watched the movie Valentine’s Day and I found it rather a worthwhile watch. The movie with its many star studded casts discusses commitment, sacrifices, falling in love, responsibility, fidelity, doing the right thing in a relationship, putting a stop when necessary, second chances and giving chances.

A funny line in the movie when Kara Monahan is frustrated with love and men:

My closest relationship is with my Blackberry, Thank God it vibrates!


At Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anne said...

nice post my dear. seems to me as tho someone is in a deep crush too :-D

My advice : go for it!! =))))


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