Saturday, October 22, 2005


We all have relationships with people around us. Whether it being with our parents, siblings, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends, workmates ...etc. We have something in common; we share a 'relationship' with each other.

But the topic of relationships often is associated with a certain someone from the opposite sex. One who is not related to you. Someone whom you met, and find yourselves being really attracted to. Someone whom you constantly think of, and wish you could spend as much time with them as possible. And before you can get into a "Relationship" with them, you've gotta find out your compatibility wif em. Like age, race, religion, likes, dislikes, character, status and things you have in common with each other. On most cases I've discovered, people who are total opposites attract! In term of character and behaviours...why? You tell me, coz I’m confused.

Recently, I got to know someone, a lil younger, but thinks very maturely. I love talking to her, as she seems to see the world differently from me, yet share the same opinions. She has the cutest of smiles, and her voice is heavenly! She’s a mix too, more than me of course! She kinda opened my eyes towards things I never noticed. Made me also realize the kinda person I am, and my special qualities. Being alone with her is enough to take my mind off any kind of pressure or troubles I’m facing, in a way also gives me strength to face em. We even had a past relationship with other people that didn't work out and took a long time to get over. Although we do have lots in common, like family back ground, same faith, and some favourite past-time activities... we can't be together for certain reasons which are quite obvious. One of em is that as I'm concentrating on my career, she's trying to get one.

Every now and then, you come across someone really special. You constantly think of them, and really appreciate the little-est of time you've spent with him/her. And when this happens, living in the cruel and unfair world seems all peaceful, fair and worth-while all of a sudden. They become your most meaningful friend, your pain-killer, your joy-giver, your adviser, your lepak-partner, and if things work out..... your lover and care-giver too.

Ross & Rachel (just a pic la...for illustration of relationship)

It makes you wonder how people fall in love and what goes through their head when it happens. How do they know they're in love? What do they consider, (besides the things I mentioned above) before committing to a relationship. What are the criterias, conditions and pre-requisites before making that decision?

Being in a relationship is unique and complicated at times. It means a responsibility of a different kind. What girls look for in guys? So far, I’ve found out is they require the guy to be sentimental, appreciative, communicative, decent looking (handsome la), caring, loyal, loving and with security (Money la!) of course… What guys look for in girls? I won’t speak on behalf of all guys, but personally, I think its honesty, loyalty, love, support and being there when it matters most, being hot looking and being cute (like my friend mentioned above) is a definite bonus la… :-)

Hope you people think about relationships a bit more seriously. If are already in one, appreciate it. Accept and love your ‘significant-other’ despite their flaws and weaknesses. Because there are no perfect or custom-made-people around. You may never find better person than him/her again if you loose them. If you’re on the verge of getting into one, think things thoroughly before committing. Can you handle the challenges and obstacles while being in a relationship? Always remember, don’t force someone into it…it’s a choice that you both make. It should never be one sided. Because “It takes 2 to tango”.

I guess you guys would be wondering why John is writing these kinda stuff suddenly, besides the usual updates on whats happening in his life, right? Well, thought of doing some thinking, and just writing whatever I have in my tiny-lil-brain. Something different la…. Or maybe I have a major crush on someone…and wanna just tell it to everyone! Hahaha…no la…it’s the former…or is it latter? :-P

Friday, October 14, 2005

Chamber of Secrets!

For those of you that I've invited, but didn't come for the camp in Gombak from the 30/sept till 2/Oct...Here are some pics from the Camp....

This shot was taken after we had the Water ballon Tribal War! Yerp, most of us got pretty wet!

Running in the sack race! Really competitive man!

Our Tribal Kings! Suppose to make em scary, but it turned out, FUNNY!

Shot taken on the last day. On the right was really nice Water fall, couldn't see it la.

Chillin out at the pool. Yerp, we had a pool!

The Organizers who made it all Happen, Willing Hands! Thanks a bunch guys!

I had great fun and made so many really great friends! Missin em d! Pictures are courtesy of Andrew, kinda sebat-ed from his friendster pics la! Muahaha, hope u dun mind dude. Hope to meet up with all the old guys in the upcoming camp! Willing Hands, great Job! Looking forward to hearing for you guys soon... God Bless!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Latest Update!

Hello People! I'm so glad to have the time to write something in my blog this time around. Things have been pretty hectic lately, But I'm hanging in there!

What happened to Mr. JP last weekend (30/9 till 2/10)? I attended a church camp in Jungle Lodge, Gombak! By far the most fun-filled camp, but really exhausting at the same time, hahaha. Was suprised I could go to work on monday. Met so many "Happenin" youths there, haha. It was a really nice getaway from the City. Deep in the jungle, was paradise. Waterfall, cool streams and stuff. Awesom camp, I would recommend anyone to join in the camps organized by Willing Hands, Assumption Church. Happenin bunch, There were no Bible, Rosary or Novena session. So u can imagine la the kinda fun we had!

What happened this weekend? The same bunch of"Holy" Catholics from the camp met up at Karma, Hartamas. Gosh, the organizers and participants came, and had loads of fun chattin and chillin with our drinks. Chilled out with absolutely wonderful people in Imelda and Carmen (Miranda Sisters, how can u not love em!?), Ron (Drummer, Kewl Dude!), Elton (Chunky Monkey King), Angie (da babe!) , Charmaine(hot one!), Debbie (Funnie! & encouraging ;-p), Darren (Prince Charmin!), Melissa (Cutie) , Eugene(Macho), Andrew (Mr. MBA) , Natasha (Sexy moves on d dance floor) , Rubee (Long lost buddy this one, reunited by chance!) and a few of their friends. Had fun with em new buddies, just couldn't get a lil more high to dance like crazy la, coz I was drivin...haha. Nvm, Next time!

Oh well, till my next blog, hope u guys keep me informed on what's happenin with u all! Those of u who have blogs, inform me, I'll add u to my blog list for others to view. People ought to know who are JP's buddies rite? Peace out!