Saturday, September 12, 2009


I discovered Xango about 2 years ago through my mum. I never gave much thought about it and considered it to be just another home based or networking business. Thinking that it'll just phase out like other businesses that come and go over the years, I brushed it aside. But my mum (being a staff nurse) and the Doctor (Dr. Ng Ah Kow) that she works for in a Clinic in Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, were curious and went on to find out more about Xango. They were suprised with the testimonials, and medical studies done on the Mangoesteen and were instantly eager and excited to put it to the test. Dr. Ng started endorsing and promoting the juice in his practise amongst his patients and the results were both encouraging and positive. The demand for it grew and we knew we had something special in our hands to share to others. Do watch the video below:

I've introduced it to a small number of people so far, and I'm glad there has been a steady demand for it over the months. I've observed that it does help people with various health complications over a period of time, and they can't do without it now. They would have reduced or eliminated the intake of drugs used to control their condition and this has become a norm rather than surprise over time. The demand for it grew and there were times that the stock ran out due to the increased demand for it over the past 2 years in Malaysia. And yet, many still do not know about its existence.

I guess every now and then, we discover natural substances that would help people with medical conditions far better than modern medicine. I wonder, if people knew that a lot of drugs or modern medicine would cause side affects in the long run which is only intended to solve just 1 problem but creates numerous other health problems, would they ever consider a natural juice from mother earth that helps in numerous medical conditions, which tastes so good?!!

You should try it, it tastes like non other and you'd be pleasantly surprised at what it can do.