Saturday, August 22, 2009

!~*Random Pictures*~!

Found myself really bored today, so decided to get some random pics and have it on my blog...Will add more soon :-)

Mum (Alice) and Me, when I was about a year old

Prove that I dance to "Beat It" by Michael Jackson in pink shorts!

Contrasts: A pic of when Cousin Melissa held me when I was little (few months old), and now she has to seat on me! (My 21st B'Day)

Daytona Days when in Secondary School :-)

Alterboy days with Fr. Philip Muthu, Kuala Pilah :-)

Alterboy days with Fr. Paulino Miranda, Kuala Pilah :-)

Uni days, Theva and his oranges!

Uni days, with Thilak and Wen Hao during a computer lab session.

Christian Fellowship brother (From left: Paul, Felix, John, Me and Yohen)

Christmas 2002, My home (From left: Thilak, Me, Senthil, Anand & Theva)

Christmas 2004 My house, with Miss Farah Diana

Having a hair cut, 2003 at a barber shop near campus. You can tell why I was there, the hairdresser chick at the far end is hot!

Final Semester, Ethics Class Gang (From Left: Shahrul, Me, Dr. Sharrifudin, Farah, Asha & Kohila)

Last day of Class in Uniten (From Left: Wen Hao, Asha, Kohila, Shahrul & Farah)

Catholic Student's Society Camp in Port Dickson, 2004. Guest speaker, Father Philip Muthu.

Perhentian trip with the Willing Hands group, Assumption Church. Dont know where the girls went.

Friday, August 21, 2009

You're gonna be the one that saves me

Hey guys, I've always like this song whenever i hear it on the radio. The tuned and the slightly lazy singing, but it took me a while to know it was from Oasis! Took some effort in getting the lyrics and understanding it...and it sure does hit the spot at times! Have a read through! ;-)

Wonderwall Lyrics by Oasis

Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now

Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now

And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how

Because maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all You're my wonderwall

Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now

And all the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me

Guess we have all been down that road, but we shall bounce back! Phases are meant for us all to go through, it's how He intended for each of us to grow and appreciate life. Hence, this song will be one of my favourites of all time! Thanks Oasis!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

20 Random questions

1. What do you like to eat right now?
Subway Sandwiches, (Chicken Terriyaki or Italian BMT)

2. What’s your favorite Domino’s pizza?

Beef Pepperoni

3. What’s your favorite drink when you’re clubbing\pubbing?

Guinness or Heineken Draughts while pubbing, Chivas, JD or Captain Morgan’s while clubbin

4. If you wanted a pet, what would it be?

Golden retrievers, they’re so fun!

5. Do you play any kind of sports?

Badminton, squash

6. Smoke? If yes, what brand?

Don’t smoke, don’t intend to. Though I dated many who do for some strange reason…

7. How many relationships till now?


8. Are you currently in a relationship? How’s that going?

Nope. Luck-less I guess...

9. Do you own a car? If yes, what is it?

Yes, My trusted Perodua Myvi :-)

10. What’s your dream car?

2007 Ford Shelby GT500, but 2009 Volkswagen Golf GTI V50 isn’t bad too!

11. Do you own a mutual trust fund?

Yes but not sure why this question is here though.

12. Do you prefer an island, highland or jungle holiday?

Island, white sandy beach with crystal clear waters, and good BBQ with chilled beers!

13. Do you consider yourself a Choleric, Melancholy, Sanguine or Phlegmatic?

Phlegmatic, with a hint of Sanguine when the mood kicks in.

14. What attracts you the most to a person of the opposite sex?

Great smile along with a sense of humor. Someone sporting la.

15. What drives you nuts?

Gloating anti-Man Utd fans, unexpected expenditures; and saying no to myself when I actually want to go for it.

16. Which countries would you like to travel to?

Old Trafford in England! Rome, Paris, Amsterdam, Tahiti or Maldives

17. Blue, green, red, yellow, black, purple or orange?

I’m a Blue kinda guy.

18. Do you have a crush on someone now?


19. The silliest thing you’ve said to a girl\guy?

I didn’t quite get your name but it sounded really sexy, would you mind repeating it….slowly? (Obviously I didn’t catch it the first time around)

20. Are you happy at this point of time?

Not really, but there are others who are much worse…so am good :-)

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Everyone needs friends. Whether it’s to have a shoulder to cry on, a story to share with, a joyous occasion to celebrate with or just a simple hug to brighten one’s day. Some say they need only faith (religious) or lots of money to be happy, or just be with family but we somehow feel that lives’ more meaningful with friends. We have friends who are just casual ones, close ones, best ones and also friend’s friends who eventually become ours. It has become more of a need than a want to have friends these days. We go though our lives with so many challenges and unpredictable phases, that we somehow find ourselves in need of a friend.

Over the years, I’ve been blessed with so many different friends through the many stages of my life. Childhood friends, school friends, university mates, work mates, church youths, girlfriends, activity partners and distant relatives who have become more of a friend than family, have become so much part of my life, that I’m very grateful for.

The kinds of friends I’ve had over the years (Guess who you are?):

Friend 1: So many years ago, when I was in Kuala Pilah, this guy and I rode cows in the kampung! His family had cows, chickens, and ducks in their kampung house. He was my partner in crime when we ditched classes for so called Pengawas (Prefects) duties. We took part in sports and became the so called sports stars in our state of N. Sembilan. Dude, I so miss our kampong days and our MSSM days. We played 3 different sports for N.Sembilan; Cricket, Badminton and Athletics.

Friend 2: My longest lasting childhood friend. Arguably my best friend! Our mums were friends even before we were born. September babies as well (1982). He’s my solution provider for all IT questions; he even helped me big time in projects in University. He’s a good friend to all, and makes friends so easily. Girls find him extremely pleasant to talk to, and he’s such a gentleman. He’s a good listenter, and conversationalist. Btw, he’s into palm reading and a big Man Utd fan too, like me. And yes, to you girls seeking a nice dude, he’s still single!

Friend 3: This guy met me in Form 4. He never knew what hit him! From a stranger, to a local celebrity, he was thrown into a world of girls, lepaking and learning to be an adult, by yours truly. Till this day, he says I was the one who spoiled him. Please la, u learned all those on your own k! I just opened the door for you :-) Friends since we were 16, we’ve keep close all these while. Still irriates the shit out of me whenever we hang out, but he’s the best! The definition of a nice fella.

Friend 4: Probably the one guy who spend the most time playing sports with me from back in uni days and also in the first few years working. Badminton, squash mostly. I used to stay back over the weekends in campus to lepak with this fella, who only goes back to Ipoh during the semester break. A very humble, quiet Chinese dude. He’s into Korean pop music, and all mother’s think he’s a good looking fella ;-)

Friend 5: Probably the most disciplined friend among the lot. Works hard for everything, dedicated to his career, and recently got married. Used to my jogging partner at the Cyberjaya lake. We shared a lot about life and having a direction to a more purposeful future. We enjoy the occasional catching up over chilled beers at Tony Romas, coz it’s buy 1 free 1 on weekdays before 7pm! ;-)

Friend 6: Definitely one of my besties. Stuck with me through thick and thin. Knows me inside out, and can tell if the girl I was going out is right for me. Despite annoying, teasing, hurting her feelings and letting her down almost all the time, she was always there for me (but she makes me make it up to her always!) We hung out a lot before, drifted apart due to circumstances. She thought me to play pool :-)

Friend 7: She’ll always have a special place in my heart. Were introduced to each other by her cousin. We are very similar in so many ways. Talk about being in the same frequency, even the shit we faced is almost identical. Enjoyed hanging out with her when she was still in KL, now she’s up north. Was in the airlines before, now in telecommunications. She looks hotter than ever when I recently met her. Thought me a lot about women, not girls, but women!

Friend 8: My first, who kinda dumped me for an older guy later on. Thought me to be more independent and to understand that working hard pays off. Probably the only person I know who’s still studying for higher honours beyond the age of 26 who’s not doing medicine. My best friend for a short period. Wrecked her car some time ago in an accident. The most short tempered person I know, besides my own sister! haha

Friend 9: My sister (not my sister ann marrie). Like a guardian angel, always looking out after me. Calls and chats with me on msn almost every other day. Kept me out of trouble on a few occasions. And our birthdays are just a day apart, thus we’ve been celebrating together the past 3 years…wonder what’s the plan for this year :-)

Friend 10: Another sister, an inspirational person in my life. Also used to keep an eye out for me while I was in Shell myself. Kick boxing silver medalist at the world championships a few years ago, seriously, she can kick ass! Having a respectably high post in Shell. Leaving soon for the UK to work there, with her awesome, handsome and charming husband. Miss chatting with her over lunch breaks…

Friend 11: A new friend. Lights up the room whenever she walks in. At times, it almost seems my heart skips a beat at the very sight of her. Always looking gorgeous even when she’s dressed down, I wonder if she ever does not look as hot at any point in time. Even if she thinks she looks at her ugliest, she still looks Angelic to me. She’s funny and abrupt at times. A lil dirty minded, which is so me too! Annoying at times, but in a cute way. Complimented & flirted with her a few times, but I guess some things are not meant to be. Just a friend, as it’s meant to apparently be. Yes guys, she’s single and if you’re cute, have a good sense of humor, high respect for ladies and above the age of 26; she’s free for a date ;-)

I guess it’ll take me ages to cover every friend that is dear to me. To those who have stuck by me, accepted me for who I am, tolerated me, partied with me, cried with me, danced with me, flirted with me, fought with me, thanks for the experiences and memories. Through ups and downs, you will always be cherished. Thank you all , and you’ll always have a friend in me :-)

P/s I’ve kept out family and cousins out for this post. Just friends :-)